Hull Now - More Forward Thinking

The Concepts

Children's Orthopaedic

A new design approach to NHS departments

InterTech working in association with NHS Hull and East Riding.

The trust allowed us look at ways of making the waiting area for the Children's Orthopaedic Clinic at Hull Royal Infirmary little more fun for the children and hopefully the parents and staff.

Take a look at some of the artwork used in large format wallpaper graphics and self adhesive panels to help create a colourful and informative waiting area.

This Department of Orthopaedics looks after children with musculoskeletal conditions that can require both non-operative and surgical treatments.

Paediatric Orthopaedics is the foundation of orthopaedics as a specialty. "Ortho" means straight and "Paedia" means growth. The term Orthopaedia was founded by Nicholas Andry in 1741 in a book outlining the art of correcting and preventing deformities in children. Of which this description continues in referral for treatment today. 


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We did some research to try and dremnstoate that the sport of motocross is safe if not safer then traditional stick and ball sports. To do that we needed to find variable that would allow us to compare all sports. We used total contact/exposure time per event. In the sport of Motocross an individual athlete can total upwards of 3hrs total contact/exposure or riding time per event (practice 15min x 2 race 20-30min x 6 races. Baseball on the other hand averages 14 minutes contact/exposure for the entire team for one game. Football was 10min per athlete per game. We were able to dremnstoate that the sport of motocross is safe if not safer then other sports when you consider there are less injuries per exposure time then other sports.
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